valentine’s day fix

We are 4 days out from Valentine’s day and I am here to tell you there is NO fear for you if you have not done anything yet. It takes minimal effort to make some fabulous, intentional, and cute cards without being too casual. By the end it will look like you spent forever making these cards, or spent a fortune.

I went to Target and grabbed these cute brown & glitter cards and envelopes from the dollar section (SCORE!) and pulled out my sharpies, washi tape, string and my art box.


My box of crafty goodness full of watercolors, acrylics, paint pens, and stamps!


Pull out a brush, pink, red, gold, and any other paints you want and go forth and create!


I used a combination of paint pens, paint, and sharpies to create an assortment of designs. XOXO’s, hearts, and of course lots of abstract lines.


Happy crafting and all the love!

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